White Sesame - 100 gms

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Product SKU: iXj8290mOb

White Sesame seeds, popularly known as 'Til' in Hindi, 'Nuvvulu' in Telugu, 'Ellu' (Tamil, Malayalam,Kannada), 'Teel' in Marathi and 'Til' in Bengali are the oldest condiment known to mankind. They are nutty and fragrant seed variants. They add a lovely crunch to many Asian and Middle Eastern dishes.Sesame seeds are tiny, oil-rich seeds that grow in pods on the Sesamum indicum plant.Unhulled seeds have the outer, edible husk intact, while hulled seeds come without the husk.Sesame seeds have many potential health benefits and have been used in folk medicine for thousands of years. They may protect against heart disease, diabetes, and arthritis.

High blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke. Sesame seeds are high in magnesium, which may help lower blood pressure. Sesame seeds may fight inflammation.Long-term, low-level inflammation may play a role in many chronic conditions, including obesity and cancer, as well as heart and kidney disease. Sesame seeds are a good source of certain B vitamins, which are distributed both in the hull and seed. Sesame seeds are a good source of several nutrients crucial for your immune system, including zinc, selenium, copper, iron, vitamin B6, and vitamin E.

Differences between black sesame seeds and white sesame seeds?

The most obvious difference between black and white sesame seeds will be the color. The color difference results from the fact that black sesame seeds are unhulled, while white sesame seeds have had their hulls removed to reveal the white inner parts of the seeds. Removing the hull results in a few differences that range from flavor to nutritional content. One example of a difference is that black sesame seeds are richer in calcium than their white counterparts. Black sesame seeds are also slightly bitter as a result of the hulls being present; white sesame seeds have a sweeter and nuttier flavor, which is the flavor of the kernels of the seeds. Another difference that will affect taste is the texture. Their hulls make black sesame seeds the crisper of the two sesame seed types.